One more piece to this puzzle, for those women who leave STEM for caregiving reasons, the industry must find ways to accept them back. From re-training to counseling on interviews and resume writing and networking, women who take time off to raise young children are not only untapped talent, but also a brain drain. Many of us didn’t leave tech because it was too hard, or sexist, or even that we didn’t belong. We took time off because we wanted time with young children, and paths back into the workplace are few and far between. Hiring and recruiting is all geared towards those in the field right now. Returnships for women ready to return are an ideal way to bring more women into tech quickly, while also allowing employers to train them. We spend tons of money training young girls, how about re-training women who have already said YES to STEM? Check out Path Forward, a non-profit in the Bay Area, working to tap this talent.