Help, the Sky is Falling! — Nicole Sallak Anderson

Nicole Sallak Anderson
11 min readAug 9, 2024
No need for my smartphone when so much wisdom can fit in my purse!

A few weeks ago, I decided I would read Project 2025 in its entirety before the November election. A few days later, I realized that I should also probably read Agenda 2030. Both of these documents have been creating much angst and turmoil in the hearts and minds of Americans. Liberals freak out daily from missives warning us that if Project 2025 comes to pass, women won’t even be allowed to open bank accounts without daddy’s permission. On the other hand, conservatives threaten that soon we’ll be forced live in 15-minute cities where all our movements are tracked via facial recognition and things like gas and red meat are rationed.

My goal was to see for myself what our world leaders are plotting, because if there’s one thing I’ve been observing and studying on a regular basis for the last few decades, it’s the power media has over human minds. If everyone is hysterical, then that means the media is doing its job. A serene population doesn’t consume the way our economic system needs us to, and there’s nothing like an election to take over the human mind with a whirlwind of fears and terrifying expectations.

I can feel the heat smoldering within of the embers of the American hive mind when it comes to the November election. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, YouTube, Substack, TikTok, every late-night show as well as daytime TV talk show, podcasters, influencers, and X are doing a number on us, and I’m no longer sure I can endure it. Suddenly, my vote feels serious because EVERYONE is so serious and part of me wishes it would just be over while another part of me doesn’t want to wake up on November 6. What will my fellow Americans do? How much do I need to worry?

For it’s not Kamala Harris or Donald Trump that I fear, it’s the reaction of the voters and the minds around me that have been fed a steady stream of righteousness, day in and day out, via the screens in their lives. You may think I mean the “other” person, the one voting for the guy or gal you don’t like, but no, I mean all of us who are plugged in are in danger of a full-on panic attack no matter what the results on November 5.

So, I decided that for my own ease of mind, I would read these earthshattering documents that everyone seems to fear, and see what our elites, both conservative and liberal, desire most from us and the candidates they control.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even last a week. I read every day for an hour, thirty minutes each document, and it was pure torture to endure phrases like:

  • Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
  • This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.
  • Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
  • We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet.
  • Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
  • We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.
  • Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely-what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”
  • As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind.

Wow, these authors of these have quite ambitious goals! No one will be left behind. We shall secure our liberty. The family is the center of the nation. We will take bold and determined steps. On the surface, they seem opposed to one another. Those items that sound more American focused are from Project 2025, a nearly 1000-page document written by the Heritage Foundation. Their goal is to dismantle the bureaucracy in Washington and restore local and state’s rights. The items that mention the collective, the all, and the planet are from Agenda 2030, written by member nations of the UN and hundreds of NGOs, who seek to implement a universal, global government over all others to ensure no one is left behind and the planet is saved. Lofty ideas like equity, sustainable consumption, and universal health care are touted in every sentence.

As usual, the devil is in the details and as I browsed the documents, more and more warning bells went off within my mind that while they look very different on the surface, they both serve as blueprints for controlling society. One through a more religious, national bent, the other via a planetary, unified theory. Either way, our leaders will use our emotions to enslave us with technology, tracking, and the law to ensure we all comply. I decided to follow the money, and while they’re not funded by the exact same people, they are funded by rival elite families, both of which had their fingers in the foundations of American banking (and eventual global currency dominance) and the oil industry. One of the major donors of the Heritage Foundation is the Sarah Scaife Foundation, founded by the granddaughter of Thomas Mellon, a patriarch of Mellon Banking as well as Gulf Oil. Agenda 2030 was written via 70+ NGOs funded by the Rockefeller empire, another banking family and the founders of Standard Oil, who in 1880, through elimination of competitors (one of which was Andrew Mellon), mergers with other firms, and use of favorable railroad rebates, controlled the refining of 90 to 95 percent of all oil produced in the United States.

I’m not suggesting these two dynasties are still competing against one another through their various foundations, rather I believe if you want to know what way the wind is blowing, you should see what the rich donors BEHIND your candidate are up to. In this case, the rich are banking that through technology, they can monitor and track us while also profiting by our labor and they’re coming at it using both conservative and liberal language to make sure that in the end, they continue to inherit the earth and all its resources: people, profit, and planet.

Traditionally the way to control humanity has been achieved through religion and religion is still a good way to achieve this, since there are religious elements in every country. But because religion is so closely tied with culture, you have to set up shop independently in each culture to manipulate the people using God. In America we have groups like the Heritage Foundation funded by the Mellons and Kochs, and other rich families do the same in their own cultures around the world. I bet if you read some manifesto by LePen in France, it will be close to Project 2025 in wording. It’s a grassroot attempt to bring us into an authoritarian, obedient, society in the name of doing good for God and our culture and those who are right leaning eat it up.

The left, however, is more cosmopolitan, and as such, easier to control at a universal scale. They do not care about culture, they actually despise it and desire a one global government, because then we would be all one. They have no god, but they can be provoked into being good for the planet, which is the earliest of religions, pantheism (hence the reference to Dionysus in the Olympic ceremony). Regardless, technology is their savior and technology is also the wonder-god for the rich, even better than the religions of old, because through it they can control us in ways yet unseen. Stronger than a fear of God, the worship of technology allows mind control at the cellular level, literally changing the neurons in the brain, and all they have to do to get us to comply is phrase their motives as using technology to save the planet. Boom, all in. Thus, Agenda 2030 is the most desired outcome for our profit-making elites and as a result, is headed by the UN. The same rich families that are funding the more local, right-wing movements, are also funding the larger, one world government movement. In the end, they’re not rivals, they’re coordinated, and always have been. It’s an illusion that the right-wing movements are about restoring your national identity and religion. The end is the same: authoritarian control of the people using technology to make it happen. One side does it in the name of God and morality, the other in the name of equity and environmentalism. It has to appear that there’s a choice here, that there are two sides. The fighting between us, as individuals as well as the wars between nations, also makes money.

This realization, combined with the multitudes of boorish paragraphs, led me to set both documents aside, and instead pick up a copy of The American Constitution. What I read changed me. The prose was powerful and inspiring, as if each word was deliberately chosen, which they were. Short, sweet, and complete, it makes you wonder why it takes 1000 pages to propose a governmental overhaul in 2024 when in the 1780s, a group of men could create the blueprint for an entire nation in only 4 pages, albeit the pages are 14x16 inches, but still, that’s impressive. Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution is the world’s longest surviving written charter of government. Even after the document was accepted by all the states, there was much debate because many thought it gave the federal government too much power, while others thought not enough. In the end, James Madison proposed an additional Bill of Rights in 1789 that would be debated for three years and finalized into the ten concise amendments we now know and love in 1791, when ¾ of the states ratified them. This is where the freedom of speech, religion, press, and protest, the right to bear arms, the right to a trial by jury were guaranteed as well as protection from unwarranted searches or seizure of assets and property by the government. Essentially, as Thomas Paine said so beautifully in his pamphlet titled, Common Sense, the Framers had the rare chance to, “form the noblest, purest constitution on the face of the earth.”

Mind Control and Wishful Thinking

To satisfy the liberal, conscientious reader, I will admit at this point that I am NOT a lawyer, nor an expert in the Constitution, or a historian. However, I still think every single one of us should read not only the Constitution, but also the Bill of Rights as well as Common Sense, which will give you a feeling of what the early Americans were attempting when they demanded independence from England and formed the most unique government of the age. Not a democracy, as so many of us try to claim, but a republic, made of representatives of the people. As I read these little documents, so small all three fit inside my purse, I realized that I am not a Democrat nor a Republican, for both parties seem to promise things during the election that can’t ever come to pass under the constraints of our Constitution. Instead, I’m an American, who is eternally grateful for the Constitution, which is very clear about what the federal government can and can’t do. As such, when the candidates pontificate and promise things, I now know whether or not to believe them. Most of their platforms are wishful thinking, almost magical in nature, preying upon our fears with promises of sweeping changes they will make with the wave of their mighty pen to set us free from the bad guys, and these promises appear achievable to the person who doesn’t understand that to make any decision that has to do with a nationwide agreement when it comes to the amendments would mean altering an existing amendment, or adding a new one to address the specific issue. Doing so requires not only 2/3 the House and Senate, as well as the President’s signature, but also ¾ of the state legislatures. That is not a simple majority.

At the heart of the Constitution is that idea that it should be easy to pass, change, and overturn laws but not amendments. This is because society changes, technology makes some things obsolete, and thus our laws need to be revisited and challenged over time. The Constitutional amendments are the foundational agreements that allow laws to be made and changed but can only change itself if a supermajority of the nation agrees.

Electoral Woes

In the end, this election will come down to a handful of states. This upsets people in both parties, but I am at peace with it because that’s how it’s supposed to work. The Constitution was created to prevent the tyranny of the slight majority. In light of today’s controversies, I find it interesting that three (MI, WI, and PA) of the seven swing states have ports on the Great Lakes. Four, if you include Ohio. These Great Lakes states care more about economic policy than anything else and that’s a good thing. Someone needs to ask those hard questions of our candidates. We all know where Harris and Trump stand on the social stuff, but how they manage the job market, immigration, inflation, the devaluing of the US dollar, and trade are areas where the Executive Branch constitutionally has the most power to make changes, and Midwesterners want to know where the candidates stand on these topics. Thus, these swing voters are a thorn in the side of the culture warriors from both parties. In some ways I hate this feeling of helplessness, I’ll admit, but I have faith that no matter what, the Constitution will protect the nation’s future, and some part of me is fine with a place like Philadelphia deciding the race. The city where the Constitution was crafted, the Bill of Rights debated, and the nation birthed. Who better than the “City of Brotherly Love,” to take its place once again at center stage?

For my part, I’ve read enough and heard enough about this election. I’m taking a break from social media and all other forms of news. I’ll get on once a week on Friday, and otherwise I’m letting go. This is MUCH harder to do than I thought. I can barely get through a day. It’s not just social media, I’m steering clear of YouTube, Substack, and Medium as well. I know how vulnerable my mind is, and the vitriol, angst and plain pettiness that swirls across America via our screens is appalling (so far there are accusations that have to do with a couch and a horse, a faked assassination attempt to get votes, a dead bear stuffed in a trunk, and an affair with a mayor). I can’t take such nonsense anymore so I’m putting my phone down. I have a pile of books to read, a bunch of essays to write, and a few knitting projects all queued up. If you want to keep up with my writing, either subscribe to my website or on Medium @NSallakAnderson. Reach out on Messenger and email as well.

I encourage you to also put down the screens, stop reading Substack, turn off the news and Jon Stewart, and let it all go. Trust that something bigger is happening. You already know who you’re going to vote for, so why not unplug, meet more neighbors, and explore your community? That’s where the real world lies. No matter what state you call home, we must have more faith in each other than what the internet shows us. In his speech at the Bitcoin conference last week, Ed Snowden reflected, “The reason the internet feels broken, is because it’s reflecting a broken world.” The only way to fix that world is to put down the devices, turn them off and tune in to live amongst one another. From there, all our next steps will become clear.

Originally published at on August 9, 2024.



Nicole Sallak Anderson
Nicole Sallak Anderson

Written by Nicole Sallak Anderson

Author of 8 books, California wildfire survivor, essayist. All books available @Amazon.

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